Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Getting Ready

I spent much of today cleaning while JN dealt with issues at work before joining me at home. Recycling doesn't get picked up until Thursday, so there are huge boxes of paper, etc. sitting outside our front door right now. We also made what I hope is the final pit-stop at chez Target for various travel items. We still have a few things to do around the house, including to finish toddler-proofing several rooms. I feel a bit guilty for taking so much time off before the actual journey, but I wanted to make sure that everything was in place for the twins without feeling rushed or harried the actual day of the trip

We are still waiting for our travel documents, but have been assured that we should receive them tomorrow. We did find out that we will be leaving Friday afternoon.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Last Day of Work

Ok, so it was the last day of work for me today. That was really a bit difficult. This job has provided me with a sense a stability and income and the most awesome friends while I have had to endure an awful wait to become a parent. And, I have seen craziness at this position that I have never seen ANYWHERE ELSE before. I want so much more for myself, so if this project ends, it will just be the beginning of a new world for me. In brief, I am not sure that I will have a job when I am ready to return to the workforce, but I am willing to trust GOD, the universe, or whomever/whatever to deliver what will work for me..... I have faith. Shouts out to ALL my PEEPS --even those who can't ever imagine me using the term PEEPS!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

We are Blogging!!!

Ok, I have decided definitely to blog a bit while we are in China. I think that is the best/easiest way of keeping everyone apprised of our travels and our journey to finally be united with Shane Liang and Sean Ming.

In December 2008 through Februrary 2009, I would regularly check the blogs to see the progress that different families had experienced in the journey to their daughters, and this really kept me going at a time when I had very little hope that we would ever have a child. So, a secondary purpose of this blog is to give those waiting a small snapshot of what they may experience in the future if they have decided to endure the wait...

We received our travel itinerary today, and I am both very excited and very nervous. It's strange, but I never anticipated being as nervous as I am. In any event, we will fly to Hong Kong on 08/28 and we should receive the twins early in the evening on 08/30. There appears to be a lot of down-time on the trip, which is great for us because we want to do some bonding work with Shane Liang and Sean Ming. We have our appointment with th U.S. Embassy on 09/08, and we should be flying home on 08/10. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. We will try to keep the blog up with any new information as it becomes available....